Can Do Attitude: the mesa airlines story
I can’t believe I am so close to the finish line! I’ve been working on my story about Mesa Airlines for nearly twenty years now, and I am here to announce the book will be released soon. The manuscript is completed and with my editor. The editing should be done by the first week of October, and as you can see from the attached photo, my work with a graphic designer to finish the front cover is complete. I anticipate having the book ready for publishing by the end of October or middle of November of this year.
When published, the book will be available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and in addition to paperback, it will also be out in two different e-formats – Kindle and B&N Nook. Once the book is available, I will be announcing it on: my website (Mesa Book | Indleggen Publishing), my Facebook page (David Johnson Writer,) and on Instagram (#mesabook). If you don’t already follow my Facebook page or have not subscribed to the blog on my webpage, I invite you to check out my webpage at: and go to the bottom of the BLOG page to sign up for blog updates by entering your email address. While on my webpage, check out the “galleries” tab on top to see 150 Mesa Airlines photographs.
Or feel free to visit my Facebook page (David Johnson Writer) and follow me or “like” the page. Stay tuned – coming soon.